About Us
The goal of All In AI is to inspire a diverse community of students to consider a future in AI. The course seeks to empower students with the acquisition of technical knowledge and project-based application. All In AI supports instruction in high school classes, clubs, and career fairs. Options for a summer camp and online course are also in development. Peer-to-peer learning is part of the process, where students who have already taken the course can give back, teaching the course in the future.
- The curriculum was created by students, for students, and taught by students.
- A project-based focus ensures students not only learn skills, but also how to apply them.
- Teachers with programming experience ensure students are able to experience challenges, without a fear of failure
All In AI seeks to provide a multitude of learning opportunities for students to access the content. What started as a small in-person learning experience is quickly expanding to offerings that ensure that any student in any location is able to learn the skills for entry into AI
Live Instruction
All in AI offers in-person instruction opportunities for groups or clubs. We work primarily with high schools, but contact us regardless!
Summer Coding Camp
All In AI is excited to announce the return of the summer coding camp for 2024. This camp will be a week long and will be open to all students in the Colorado Springs area.
Free Educator Toolkit
All In AI's original focus on in-person instruction will be expanding with the creation of an educator's tool kit, so teachers can bring AI to their classrooms.
Growth Opportunities
Once completing the program, All In AI will be developing a talent accelerator program for exploration of additonal content in the AI field.
Call To Action
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence are estimated to contribute 16 trillion dollars to the global economy in the next 10 years. All in AI seeks to bring introductory knowledge and skills to all students, including underrepresented student populations, in order to increase access to this emerging global field.
Please click the button to the right to inquire about bringing All In AI to your school or to help support our cause.
Team Members
The All In AI Team is composed of high school and college students, as well as education professionals that seek to support students in pursuing a greater understanding of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and other modern technologies.

Aadi Nashikkar
FounderAadi started All In AI as a way to encourage and support other students in Colorado Springs to pursue a further understanding of emerging technologies such as AI and Machine Learning. Aadi is currently a student at Stanford University.

Steven Zhou
Program Director and Lead InstructorSteven joined All In AI as a student and his passion for the subject led him to take a leadership role in the organization. Now he provides training, instruction, and guidance to other team members. Steven will be attending Yale University in the fall of 2023.

Andrew Julian
Operations and Organizational ManagementAndrew is a software engineer and computer science instructor that is passionate about bringing AI to students of all backgrounds, experience, and skill levels. Andrew already went to college, just ask him about it.
Course Instructors
These instructors are the front line for student instruction at camps and schools and will also be an integral part of developing our talent accelerator program, educator toolkit, and eventual online courses.
We are always looking to expand our team and opportunities for students. If you want to bring All In AI to your school or you are a technologist working in the field, we want to hear from you! Use the contact form below to connect with us.